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Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 3:13 pm
by Alexandr Korol
Chapter 3. New discoveries

I feel overjoyed and sometimes even burst into tears when I receive insights. Divine knowledge flows through me. The degree of awareness is fascinating. What should I do with it? Is it some new fiction book or sci-fi novel brewing in me or an invention? Maybe it is both or even more?
  • Watch the following movies:
    “Bicentennial Man”, 1999
    “Chappie”, 2015
    “I. Robot”, 2004
I see the algorithms of the matrix everywhere now and understand the nature of the entire creation. Based on my studies and discoveries, I understand the essence of a leader. Who is a leader? A leader is a person who has all the puzzles assembled. His mind and heart are advanced and aligned, and his soul is complete. The light beams into his soul like everyone else. But the matrix of his soul is precise; therefore, the light processed through his lens is distributed to people around him. This is a model of the world. There is a top man, a leader, a boss. There is a hierarchy of people under him, and each is on his personal stage of the development ladder. People under the leader are apprentices. They are still in the assembly stage of the puzzle of their matrix. They are born without leadership skills and are only cells in a large structure. Everyone is unique and has his own path. Some people have all the puzzles, and he is entirely different. This is a principle of evolution, and you can see it in every detail of the life surrounding us.

There is another curious observation I want to add about the matrix and points of perception. Each matrix has a complex structure of trajectories where the light moves. People on the low level of evolution can only see a particular dimension of the matrix. Their angle of perception is limited. When they take photos, for example, the light on their pictures is not focused. They don’t feel the depth and volume of the space, and their photos are usually dull. The distance and perception of space in the photos of the low-frequency person are distorted,