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Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 3:18 pm
by Alexandr Korol
If I didn’t know this frequency as well, I wouldn’t write any books. This rhythm stimulates order and discipline, but you can’t stay too long. There, otherwise, you may lose your consciousness. The tension of the material world may drive you crazy, but not the frequency of the cosmos and magic. So, I am on the frequency of the mind, and if I am an ordinary person, I don’t even realize where I am. I don’t pay attention to it if I am a regular guy, not Aleksandr Korol. I just take it as a fact and move on with my life.
What may happen next is that I may meet a childhood friend on a weekend and go for a walk with him. We may spend a day together taking pictures and videos. Suddenly, I switch to another rhythm, which is the frequency of the heart. On this frequency, I feel joyful as a child. I notice how beautiful the sunset is and the incredible natural smell. I feel happy and open-hearted. I want to watch a kind movie or call people who belong to this world. You want to change your clothes and choose something light and flowy. You are on the frequency of the heart, and you are under the impact of the vibrations of this rhythm.
If I continue watching kind movies and surround myself with the elements of the world of the heart, I may stay in this world for a day or two. If no one bothers me with angry materialist messages and calls, I am staying on the frequency of the heart for now. If tomorrow is Monday and I go to the office and interfere with my boss and coworkers for ten minutes, I will feel that the frequency of the heart has disappeared. It is normal as well. You just moved to the frequency of the material world, which is the mind and must adapt to the vibrations of this rhythm. The point is that traveling from one rhythm to another is beneficial. Staying in one frequency for too long is an extreme.
Most of the people we see nowadays are permanently living on the frequency of the mind, which has devastating consequences. Why do they live like that? They are constantly tense and pressured. They can’t switch their mood and deal with their family and friends with the same attitude they use at work. They watch movies and are entertained in the same way. A two-hour creative work, hobby, or a walk with a camera in nature will not help them change rhythms. They don’t switch attention. While walking with the camera, they hold ongoing conversations with materialistic people in their heads, read the news, and do some work tasks online. Turns out a person is always on the rhythm of the mind. This is how it looks, and this is how I see it.