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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

You get an intense flow of information; it is crucial to use intelligence, examine, and control it. This is a laborious and challenging process that requires diligence and discipline. The essential part of the process is to control impulses and unconscious instincts.
People who steadily live on the frequency of the mind miss out on the essential part of human experience. For example, you are in regular work mode and might miss a fantastic movie because your heart is shut. You will not notice it at all or may think you don’t need or care. People whose minds have become idle don’t read my book anymore. They believe they are not interested. They trust their feelings and don’t realize it is the mind’s impulse. If they would make themselves read this book, their hearts would turn on.
Same with the people of the heart. They need to know how and when to use their intellect. They should watch materialistic movies and socialize with people from the frequency of the mind. That’s all. But they also trust their feelings and say, “Eww, this is another materialistic book by Aleksandr.” They think this way because they operate on the mode of the heart. If their mind would turn on, it would be very beneficial for them. People tend to do what they are used to, and most don’t like change. When a person is in one frequency for too long, he acclimates with its elements so much that it is challenging to accept elements from another rhythm. Most readers prefer either one type of book or the other. People who are materialistic like my books written from the frequency of the mind, and people from the world of the heart prefer my books about spirituality and magical adventures. I repeatedly told my readers that it must be precisely the opposite. One must change his range for a healthy balance. It takes awareness to steer one’s focus and consciously switch between the modes. Ideally, one should stay in the golden mean and travel from one margin to another.

Another critical component of personal development is the subject of sins and virtues. We discussed it before and will dive deeper into this topic. There is a spiritual ladder between heaven and hell. When I studied this field from the perspective of the first stage of awareness, I described it this way: hell is darkness, evil, and suffering. When one is engaged in dark affairs and has dirty thoughts and intentions, he is moving toward hell on the ladder. His soul becomes dark, and his life is full of negativity and struggle. Lust, selfishness,