Page 133
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 4:09 pm
Another exciting piece of information I discovered is about the five associates of Lenin. Here, I have a connection with Lenin and his Mausoleum again. There are so many revelations about this topic I am not sure if I should even talk about it.
Big Alexander told me I would write many more books after completing “Alternative History”. This book is like a conquest of consciousness because it reveals the structure of the world, God, and everything at all. So, there will be more books as guidance on the new era, new matrix, and new frequency – instruction manual on righteousness life. While working on the book, I will share more materials with you. The new materials are about the future.
Big Alexander told me I would write many more books after completing “Alternative History”. This book is like a conquest of consciousness because it reveals the structure of the world, God, and everything at all. So, there will be more books as guidance on the new era, new matrix, and new frequency – instruction manual on righteousness life. While working on the book, I will share more materials with you. The new materials are about the future.
- Movies to watch:
“The Admiral”, 2008
“Grigoriy R”, TV drama, 2014