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Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 8:46 am
by Alexandr Korol
– You don’t understand – I am the primary God from the future.
– Alex, you don’t know many things.
– Okay, fine, I don’t know many things.

Next, he asked me about the philosopher’s stone:

– Have you seen it? What does it look like, and what color is it?

I am describing what it looks like and telling him how to use it and that it is possible to use it for space travel. He said:

– If you have this information, then it is possible that everything will happen earlier. Maybe this year, if you say so. Because your schedule is precise, perhaps it will happen soon. When then?
– I don’t know. I will publicize the books by October 10.
– So October 10? Well, October 10... It will happen on October 10...
– Maybe later, I don’t know. I am not in a hurry. Everything happens exactly how it is supposed to.
– Okay.

As I see, he is entirely confused. He is in his illusions and concepts, and he has other rules. When I spoke to him, he had a Spirit, but not mine. Some other Spirit, imagine? Some entity behind him was talking to me. It means that the entity gives him the power. When I spoke to him, my Spirit, my primary God, became as quiet as possible. It was as if he was hiding to protect and not reveal until it was time. As if He didn’t want to expose yet. He is so clever, the primary God up there. Another interesting thing was that I told him:

– Imagine that the One above, who I hear and guides me, saved me several times. He has a mirror-like TV screen where he sees any person’s entire life. When something was about to happen, He got involved and corrected it. I still have some phantoms of those events inside.
– If He did it, then you are one of those Gods for sure.
– You don’t understand. I am not one of your Gods. All those globalists will