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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

Chapter 15. Answers

Question: Please tell us what it was like for you to find out that you are a little God. What was happening in your mind? That is, your feelings when you learned about it.

I wrote once before that if something global happens in the world – a saucer, let’s say, arrives – then a person should be ready for it. That is, he should still be in some kind of shock. When a person is in a state of shock, his mind is switched off. Let’s say you have a car accident. Then at the moment of this accident, you have no thoughts. That is, you do not remember where you were going, or where you were driving from, and when the accident happens, you are lost in time, and even when you get home, you will be as if you are out of your mind. You won’t even realize how many hours have passed – five or six – in that time. And in that state of shock, when you talk to the person, this person is like under hypnosis. I don’t know what it is to be under hypnosis, I don’t know how to hypnotize, and I’ve never been hypnotized by anyone, but the association for some reason I have is that it’s like being under hypnosis. Or the association is like it’s a shock. And you see, I was already in shock before I realized, as you put it, that I’m a “little God”. So when I realized it, that shock maybe vibrated a little bit more. And nothing else. That is, the shock state I already had was a state in the Spirit. Then this shock state intensified when I realized that the one who was leading me, that is, the Spirit, was me in the future. And further, it happened gradually, that everything added up into a general mosaic of realization-understanding, that everything is logical, and it turns out that God is a person from the future, who is highly developed. And that flying saucers are a time machine. Then everything is logical and it is clear what is the Spirit, which is in everything, and then it is clear why everywhere it is said that “people, the hour will come, just wait” – all this was done from the future.
And the fact that this is how it came to be, that I am this little God. You see, I have felt it since I was a child. But because you have no knowledge of history and religion, nothing at all, you can’t even find illustrations and words for it, so I just called it that “I feel strange, not like people. I look at everything differently”. But, of course, at that time for me, as for you, the perception that there is a God is something mythological, mystical. And now everything is scientifically