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Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 8:55 am
by Alexandr Korol
I’m getting very close to that, and I will probably create it. I don’t know how, but it’s coming to that. It’s all coming true, guys. I have to make a model of the world right now. Or create a world at all. I mean, it’s kind of like a “Men in Black” movie about aliens. Do you remember that? When the galaxy was on Orion’s belt, I mean on a cat’s collar. And it’s kind of like that. And I’m gradually understanding it. I’m gradually, in moderation, figuring it out, because it all has to be done bit by bit otherwise I will go crazy. Also, I need to create it. Plus, when you’re in the Spirit you have one approach to it, when you’re in the heart state then it’s another approach to it. Or rather first your heart, then your in the Spirit, then you are in your mind, and this is a different perspective and I need to explain it somehow, to map it out. That’s what I’m working on.
The last thing I need to study with my mind now is everything related to spheres: what is a sphere and optics, and on and on it goes. I’ve been working on it for two months now. And every time there is a shift, a progress in my research, I have more shocks. That is, it is all such a shock state as if a beam of light shines on you, and your breath is taken away, and you are in such a state of shock that you feel a little dizzy. And that’s what it is. And it was the same when I realized that I am a little God.

Question: From your latest information, the time loop stole my attention. I started to see it in many movies. You told me that in your life you also had such loops. It is interesting to listen to your reasoning on the topic. Can you please explain in detail what these loops are and what they are used for?

The way you’re asking a question, you’re already referring to something, but I had a different meaning altogether than what you’re referring to when you’re talking about time loops. So in my case, the time loop is the fact of what is happening now, which is Ouroboros. That was also one of the discoveries, I haven’t read about it anywhere what Ouroboros is, as all kinds of crazy stuff that esotericists do, like “I’ll study this, I want to be closer to mysticism, I want to be more developed than everybody else”. I didn’t look for it that way. On the contrary, I realized what Ouroboros is, and then I saw that it is called Ouroboros. My approach is always like this. I’m a real scientist and I make discoveries, I realize something. And then I look at what it’s called. And not like people do,