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Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 8:57 am
by Alexandr Korol
of others, but referring only to the Spirit, which gives me information. I saw such a thing that this frame of our body has this code in it, like a gem. That is, let’s imagine that I am an onyx, an onyx gem. And it doesn’t matter if you saw off my finger or my leg, it still remains what? Onyx. It’s still the same gem. And a little piece of gem still gives off what kind of energy? And light enters onyx, and from it there is refraction, from its crystal lattice, which is inside, and the emanation of energy from this onyx is its rhythm. And the point is that all of us humans, our bodies are like gems. That is, our bodies are the frame that has this code in it. And the general light, which comes – I do not want to write from “space”, because there is no such thing – it turns out that this light, which is shining, which I am shining to you from there. This light gets into the body, and that is how it manifests in you. It is such a paradox. That is, there is no such thing that there is some soul inside of us, which flies away somewhere then appears, comes back and so on. There is nothing like that. Some guy John lives now, he develops, his soul develops, his heart develops – these are all codes that are written as on a lens, such Solomon’s seals, that is God’s seals, devil’s seals – all this is coded in him, all this is written by his deeds. Then, when someone is born from him with these codes, that is the code from mum, from dad is passed to this child. But there are also codes laid down there, in this child, of all his ancestors. And all this is put into the child who was born to this man John. And that’s it, John died, and there is no John. And this child, it has more code, and this light manifests in him in a different way, and it exists and develops further. And all the people multiply, continue the set of their qualities. This is how it all works.
The light is one. Just like gems. There are precious gems, of course, they have a different code, structure, labyrinth of light. But what causes them to emanate energy? The light “from space”, in quotes. Also places of power, under ground there are some veins or something else, and it refracts, transforms this energy – natural energy – and gives back. But it’s still the same on light, it’s manifesting everywhere. It is extraordinary.
I’m just further along in seeing how it works now. But I don’t know how to describe it to you in normal language. How can I describe it to you? I now understand why the Spirit wanted me to be materially developed, because it is not enough that light enters you, you have to be well developed. I have to be