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Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:02 am
by Alexandr Korol
from low frequencies. And a year ago, also through a man, the Spirit told me to make this cross, to draw it mentally in front of my eyes before a meeting or a conversation. And really, it is like a defense. So it was given through Jesus to the people even then, to use it. How does it happen in essence? You are on a low frequency, there are some “goblins” who want to “eat” you, and you cross yourself, and this crossing as if takes you out of this frequency, in which there are troubles, you get out of it, because you start to change poles of yourself. People don’t know that, how it works technically. But that’s how it works.

Question: If the soul is linked to blood, DNA genes, why were geniuses born to primitive families? The movie about Gauss (“Measuring the World”) is a good example.

Well, even Big Alexander used to tell me that when he was talking about some families and their secrets. He said that they had all sorts of relatives in the family tree, and of course there are jerks in every family, and that’s the way it should be. He didn’t explain why, but I didn’t ask.
And if I have to explain it why is it so, as I ponder to find the answer... Let’s imagine you have a brother and a sister. And you see that your sister looks like your mum and your brother looks like your grandfather. And it turns out, as if there are some genes that show up in some of your relatives, then other genes in other relatives. And you have a big family, and it turns out that when you have children, what genes prevail at that moment? It is not clear how it is formed. And maybe it also depends on you, because everything should be in balance. And maybe because you are a bad person you give birth to a good person, if you are good , you give birth to some kind of moron. And why it happens like that, because you had grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles in your family. And your child can be like an aunt or uncle, some of his or her genes will prevail, there are a lot of these things. And imagine, all committed sins of your relatives and your, it all can appear in your child, both light and dark. If I could figure it out somehow, I would have a lot of answers and examples now, but I really have not even asked myself this question, so it is hard for me to give clear information right now. I have to sit and think about it, as I usually like to do.