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Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:03 am
by Alexandr Korol
And from the fact that it is all visible for him, like the TV screens of every day– he corrects it all, so that the whole chain closes, like Ouroboros. And it still hasn’t closed. And maybe he has to put it all together so that it closes and then he wins, and I win, and that’s the way to the next level. Maybe he’s playing a game like that. You know?
And you get that period when it all comes together and it’s all coming together, it’s now. So, when he has solved it all, everything is already predicted beforehand. How does God know how everything will be, and why should He participate if everything is already decided? So no, it’s as if it’s a composition, it’s such a harmony, it’s as if it’s his script. And he may have scripted it, and it was supposed to culminate in such a way that it’s like a person would grow up to be him. I mean, it was supposed to close. And maybe he didn’t get it right away. And then it worked out, and then he, as Spirit, predicted it and wrote all in history. And everything he predicted, it’s actually all interconnected. Why was he involved everywhere? That he’s now, and there, and in the future, and in the past, it’s all a whole composition. And it was as if it was supposed to close, all the lights went on and that’s it, hurrah, he won. Maybe that’s what he had in mind. So maybe this is the creation of the world, when you have created it from the beginning to the end. And then you, maybe, become just God, when it all closes. Something like that. And it is hard for me to explain it, but I feel that I am very close.

Question: I am a little bit confused, what is the difference between Spirit and God? Please explain it again.

See, it is simple. Before, people didn’t understand it, and even the believers, a few billion people, don’t know what it is either. Now scientifically we can understand everything. Father is who? That’s me in the future on a flying saucer, that’s God. But I am, that is God when I am born. After all, the God who is now, he became him, didn’t he? This father, he became him, that is God. And the point is that he is a little God – that’s me. It turns out that I am also God and he is God. Only I am a little God, and he is God in the future. And why am I also God? Because the one I am in the future with a flying saucer, I can enter the little one. I can go back in time and I can control him. So I have already achieved everything in the future, and I already have my patron, that’s me. But besides that, in the