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Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:36 am
by Alexandr Korol
now live by our own calendar. It is as if we remember events only for these two thousand years. It turns out, maybe each planet, as a continent, had some kind of its own cycles, its own years. Or maybe there is still some common year for all these planets. Maybe this is the year that is from the creation of the world. And that the whole world is the planet Earth. It is the whole universe that the main God created with all these planets, that is continents. And then there were all kinds of periods. That is here it is still unclear what is happening. It turns out that each planet has its own God, its own adventures. And all these planets are one planet, i.e. the Earth. Do you see how everything is veiled? And also our Earth is a pimple on someone’s arse. I mean how interesting everything is, all these worlds. It’s wonderful, it’s very beautiful, it’s all incredible, it’s great! If you can somehow figure it all out, sort it all out like I work on it every day, then the world becomes more and more interesting.
And that is why for us some historical things that we hear and read about, which we cannot understand, and as you put it “that it was once upon a time” and it is unclear when – it may simply not have been for us. Egypt has its own history, the Mexicans have theirs, we Russians have ours. They have their periods, they are on their periods. Some have one event and others do not have those events. Because they have already had it, and some have not had it yet, and some will have them in the future. It’s very interesting. And plus, maybe all of this history somehow erased, reset, made from scratch. And we find some ruins, but we can’t understand it from which time, what it is, because it is impossible for a human being to grasp it. You know, time is the best illusion among illusions. Every scientist now writes that they found something that is 100,000 years old. How would he know? What’s this time based on? Do you know what is the mistake of all scientists? Why don’t they take into account global warming when it happens? And why they don’t take into account future events, and why they’re confused about everything, both past and future. Why are they all wrong? Because they take today’s pace of time, and they think that it was the same pace long ago, and will be the same in the future. They don’t take into account that this pace changes over time, so they all miscalculate. And when they start to calculate when there were some dinosaurs and Egyptians, they count it wrongly, they count it based on the pace of today’s time, they found some piece, the documents say that this piece is two thousand years old, or on this piece it says so.