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Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:46 am
by Alexandr Korol
while the firmware is being updated. And under no circumstances should your mind, a sinful mind, ruin this chance for you. Therefore, in no case do not go further into the book, beforehand, and do not look for these pictures, this will ruin everything for you. This will feed your sins and lead you away from the truth. Only a pure person, like a child, can walk this path.

Why am I being given this right now? Because I am on this level, it cannot be any other way. If I would be like people, in their range, with their sins, I would see something different in all of it. That’s the point. Someone tries to figure it out and thinks: “Oh, somewhere in the Bible it was mentioned,” – there are such curious people – “Somewhere in the Bible Cherubims are mentioned. These are some kind of angels who have wings, wheels with eyes.” And do you know how people, to the extent of their depravity, begin to depict this? They draw wheels with eyes. Also, people who are curious about all mythology and mysticism, everything sacred, are most often divided into two groups. The third group is, of course, pure people, righteous people, we are not talking about them now, they already know that they are pure. I’m talking about two material, sinful groups of people who are most often heard and seen all over the Internet. One group of people are “housewives.” I don’t mean women, but in general, there are people who, when trying to figure this out, make everything, to the point that if there are twenty-four elders in the revelation of John, then they begin to think “What kind of tea those elder drink, or maybe they all gathered to tell Jesus something.” That is, these are the clues they have. And there is such a group of people. This is how they perceive it all. And they draw something weird when they try to figure it out.
And there is a second group of people – drug addicts. Seriously, this has become so common in our world now and those people, these drug addicts hide behind spirituality. And people who are interested in something like healthy lifestyle, yoga, spirituality – half of them are crazy “housewives”, with a lot of problems and there is no spirituality in them at all and drug addicts. And these drug addicts draw these black cherubs, with wheel eyes, with crystals, and they tattoo themselves with such pictures. These people who are drug addicts, are from the Internet generation, from the generation of “beautiful covers”. They are painting pictures such as crosses with blood, with naked women, and adding