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Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:46 am
by Alexandr Korol
some kind of robots to them. And they think they have it figured out. And the most offensive thing is you know what? Some artists have just seen enough pictures in alchemy, Freemasonry, and the Bible, and now they mix it all and paint Jesus descending from a flying saucer on a pyramid. And there is that alchemical symbol and another Masonic symbol, and it’s all so mixed up. And many people come across such pictures and think “Wow, how beautiful this is, how unreal this is, how this is something, there is some kind of truth in this.” And they don’t understand that there is no truth in this. And the person who did this, there is nothing spiritual in him, and there is no code in this individual, this artist just approached it all commercially and aesthetically. And he doesn’t even know what he’s drawing. He simply collected all these pictures on the Internet, tied them together, and made his picture out of it, to attract attention to it. That’s what people are doing now. And I need to state this now because this is a false path that I need to warn you about. Maybe in the future, you will come across pictures like that and I am begging you not to trust them. Trust only ancient pictures, pre-twentieth century. And what “housewives” or drug addicts have now painted or depicted – don’t believe these pictures. They do this just for the sake of likes and followers.

It turns out that people who read my books and were curious about who I am and where I came from for more than ten years, such people wrote to me on social networks with questions about “What inspires me and where do I get information from?” And someone compared me with a few scientists or someone else, but I explained to everyone that I don’t know anything at all in the world, that is, I’m not one of you, I don’t read any books, so as not to clog my head with information. At most, I can look at the pictures and then, under no circumstances read the descriptions, because the description has already been written by someone, that is, it is already false. I trusted only ancient pictures, symbols, and ancient writings. I only talk about subjects that I didn’t read anywhere about. No one told me about frequencies, attention management, or the seven sins and seven virtues. All this knowledge originated within me when I was looking for the philosopher’s stone. And the search for the philosopher’s stone is always done in solitude. This is when I was alone or went to another country, or I was just tired of everyone and decided to write a book. I was almost