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Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:55 am
by Alexandr Korol
and some other side is underdeveloped. Some edges are developed, and some are not. You will make yourself harmonious. But for now, when you are just starting on this path, for everyone, at their angle, to the extent of their development, the “chosen door” will appear, that is, the entry door into the labyrinth is still different for everyone. It’s like you’re starting from different paths. But the exit is through one door only. The entrance is through different doors because you are all different. And then you will all become One. It turns out that many of you will find it difficult to navigate the space of geometry simply on a sheet of paper with a pen. Seriously. Not everyone is given such a mind as to be able to imagine something. Not everyone is given this function. My advice to you is: you can buy either long plastic party straws, or thick aluminum wire for a hobby, or someone, maybe an engineer, who has an aluminum profile, and someone who works in 3D programs. Of course, you can draw everything in 3D, but still, you would need to do it physically with your hands, using sticks or straws. In my case, over many years I had accumulated a large number of Chinese sticks, and I made all my geometric forms with them using hot glue. Hot-melt adhesive is very convenient, it has almost no smell and does not get dirty, you buy a glue gun for it, and insert a glue stick, it’s like liquid plastic, very convenient. It is most convenient to make shapes with Chinese wooden sticks. I’ll tell you from experience. Because the straws are soft and when the shape grows they begin to bend and sag. The wire is inconvenient because if the wire is very thin, the glue does not grip it, because it does not have edges and it all slides and spins. So wooden sticks are the most convenient. And now, without haste, buy wooden sticks and glue. If someone wants to do something quickly using available means, you can also use fireplace matches, they are long. Someone has cocktail sticks and plasticine to glue these sticks together.
While you are at this stage, this page of the book, this is your task.

And everything needs to be done in a particular order. When I write that something needs to be glued together, then something needs to be glued together. And until you glue this together, you should not read further. This is a very important point to take into account.

At this point, you should have familiarized yourself with geometric shapes on