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Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:56 am
by Alexandr Korol
Wikipedia. Then you can try to draw them on a piece of paper in any way possible and fit one shape into another. Lay out each shape on its sides and count how many sides there are. What are the angles of which figures, that is, you need to dig deeper into this. The more meticulous you are, the better. At the same time, you should purchase materials for constructing geometric shapes: a hot-melt adhesive, a glue gun, and sticks. What quantity? Better a couple of packs of large sticks. And you also need a lot of glue sticks, about 10 pieces. You will make a lot of models and parts. While you haven’t bought glue and sticks yet, or while you are purchasing them, you still need to familiarize yourself with what you need next after geometric shapes. Everything needs to be done in the correct sequence.
Until you become familiar with geometric shapes, you should not watch or Google the next thing I tell you.

The next thing you need to look at is Google “alchemy”, or “philosopher’s stone”, you can search those terms in different languages. And read on Wikipedia what alchemy is, what the philosopher’s stone is, how it was researched, and who researched it and approached it just as meticulously and wisely. You can even go as far as to find out who was the first one to mention the philosopher’s stone and if there are any illustrations from that book. Look for all the most ancient images, Google them, and save them. You can either print them if you like or just save them in the folders on your laptop. Everything should be structured. It is very important. Name one folder for each topic. Therefore, in one folder you would save all types of geometric shapes, everything written about them, and everything that you sketched in your notebook when you counted their sides, photograph all this and save it in the “geometric shapes” folder.
The second folder you would use to save a collection of everything for the philosopher’s stone topic, the recipe for the philosopher’s stone, the great work, alchemy, and alchemical symbols. Try to find only ancient illustrations and information. Under no circumstances should you look at the digital images of new artists, or science-fiction graphics of some drug addicts; this is an illusion. If you see some kind of flying saucer painted with purple colors, in acidic green colors, ignore these pictures. When some deity is digitally painted it’s terrible, these are drug addicts, this is a very bad world. You should collect classic,