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Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:08 am
by Alexandr Korol
If you look at all the materials that are freely available about Cherubim, they are also called Seraphim, they are also called “animals”. Some people confuse those. Some people are confused that these are all the same thing. Keep in mind that Seraphim is different from Cherubim. And also keep in mind that the four animals may also be something else. Although this confuses all people very much. You seem to read a description about the Cherubim, and then you see that there is the same description about the Seraphim, then you read about four animals – these are the four Gospels: one angel with the face of a man, another with the face of an eagle, another with the face of a lion, another with the face of a bull. And someone believes that these are the Cherubim who guard the entrance to the Kingdom of God. Some people think that these are different characters. But just take note of this. There is no need to categorically draw any conclusion now. Then you will see and understand all this. Some call them this, some that. But let’s imagine that we are now talking about creatures that guard the entrance to the Kingdom of God in the four directions of the world. And so we had to figure out how this is so. Who are they, and what do they look like? Somewhere it is mentioned that they have four wings, somewhere it is mentioned that they have six wings. In principle, both versions can be found in this matrix, which I decipher. I approach everything very strictly. So there can be no guesswork here. Everything should be very clear. If you read on Wikipedia about the tetramorph and the Cherubim, then there is a description that there are four arms under the wings of the Cherubim. There are four arms under the upper wings. And under the lower ones, there are four legs. It very clearly describes where the wings are located. And I advise you to pay attention to this too. Where the upper wings are located, and where the lower wings are located. This is all very important, because it should not contradict, but rather coincide with the concept, with that basis – and we took the cube as a basis – and it should all fit into the cube.