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Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 11:16 am
by Alexandr Korol
Chapter 17. The Last Chapter

I showed you this whole matrix by now. So the first volume of “Alternative History” ended with me suddenly realizing, I was in shock, that what was driving me was Spirit. I realized what a triangle is and what a tetrahedron is in general. And the second volume ends with me encountering, coming into contact with the matrix. And suddenly I begin to understand how to draw it. As a sign of confirmation I see that the saints appeared against the background of one of the sides of the matrix. It’s just a shock for me. How can it be? In the process, while I was solving the matrix, naturally, many incredible things happened to me, and I wrote it all down. I will not include this information in the second volume. That is, if there will be some signs from above that it is necessary to make the third volume, then I will tell all this new information there. If there is no sign, it means that I should stop at the second volume, and there will be no third volume, I don’t know. Everything has its own time. Since I have finished the second volume I am at a crossroads, or a corridor, let’s call it that, as I always used to call it. This is sort of a technical department, to understand where to go next, where to turn, which door to open. Now I am going to share with you all my reasoning, reflections, remarks, discoveries that took place. I will describe it all to you as best I can, since it’s all mixed up and not yet sorted. It’s just a rough outline of something that may later grow into a book. I’ll be sharing my observations with you. So, everything that concerns me, everything that worries me, that steals my attention, I will try to tell you about it in chronological order. Now a new cycle should start again, we’ll see. Or the old one is still ending, so the new one has not started. Because it is as if the old one is just ending, and the new one should just start. It’s unusual, it’s like everything has shifted, I don’t know what timing of a new cycle depends on. But as if everything was supposed to happen till the end of October, and it has shifted as much as ten days. This cyclicity is strange. So now I will tell all my new discoveries, remarks, observations, which are in chaotic order, and it will be hard for me to express all of it clearly, because I have not even said it aloud to anyone yet.

I assumed that if we live on the Earth and there are continents – they are planets. And all that is around us on Earth is the sky with stars and planets, then it turns