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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

holding the handlebars, on a tricycle. With his support I understood what was right and wrong. And when there is no “Farther” and you are alone, you seem to remember these rules for the first week, and then you start to make mistakes. You start to slack off. And so I had many times when there was “cosmos” and I wrote down rules and understood everything, what it means to be happy, what it means to have total faith, what it means to be in the Spirit, what it means to be happy, when you only watch the right films, listen to the right music, when you have order, discipline, no bad habits, when you wake up, take a shower, do ex- ercises, wish your relatives a good day, work, study. And you are good: you walk your dog, you go jogging, you spend all your time doing useful things, but no social networks, no dating sites, no weird people, no beer, no bloggers, nothing like that.
I mean, that’s it, the spirit is gone, it’s gone from everything. It’s gone from you and it’s gone from me. He’s gone on purpose now, He’s sitting on the outside looking in. Are we going to act like fools again or not? And we’re in the same boat with you now. Who’s going to pass the test and who’s going to fail. And now it’s a test. It’s about how we’re going to spend this holiday, this weekend. How we’re going to live for a month, maybe two months. Imagine, we’ve actually been preparing for this test for a long time. All year and the year before. There was the book “Have Not Charity”. Then treatises on “Educated mind”, on “Attention and Dynamics”. In all of them I’ve written what’s good, what’s bad. And without support, without a kick, without a reminder, without inspiration, you have to remember these instructions and stick to them, regardless of your mood. And who will persevere in this exam and not give in to laziness, that is to say, know- ing that everything is allowed to him, holidays, but if a person holds back and does not give in to cigarettes, alcohol, does not get into social networks, and only watches scientific programs or does useful things, then maybe he will get to the final. And now someone will fail the test.
I’m in this situation and it’s the same for you. But again, remember, I’m a writer, this is a book, it’s not a training course, I’m not your teacher. But you are inter- ested in me as a character, Alexandr Korol, who has an alternative history. I am telling you about what is behind the scenes, how the author lives, I am telling you how I live now. And I have drawn these conclusions. That is, of course, not Big Alexander, not Spirit, nobody told me to write you anything. I came to these