I feel a new cycle is coming when everything is different and will go in a new round from about the end of January. From the end of January, there will be a kind of turning point, a kind of transition into a new cycle from January to Feb- ruary. That’s how I feel. How long it will last I do not know, only when I enter it I will tell you when it ends. I feel it coincides with the end of the presentation of my novel, with the end of the New Year holidays, with the end of my holidays.
Another thing that keeps me from getting lost is that I am always aware that there are those above me. They’re from the future. And that I am here now, in the present, and that there is this time. And that everything is possible, and I’m looking at everything differently now. Even when I take a shower I think about how to create a time machine, how to create a perpetual motion machine. And also, you know, superficial people think it’s something beautiful, probably, that you should put some robots around the apartment, but in reality, if you’re a sci- entist, it’s just a formula. And I solve these formulas in my head endlessly and the fact that I am involved in it gives me a different vibration, you know? And I don’t get dumbed down or lost in the vibrations, in the vibrations of people in their lower vibrations. And it turns out that if you ever came into contact with my books, why did your life get better for a few moments and everything was cool? Well. Because you connected with it. And it was already uplifting you, in a good way, spiritually uplifting you. And when you stop being uplifted and charged with something... You are immediately like children, you start - what I wrote earlier - you immediately turn to the wrong direction. It is always in the wrong direction for some reason and always somewhere, not up, but down. Figura- tively speaking, if you imagine an ant as a source of high frequency, then all the ants that are directed towards it will rise up because of it. But if those ants start to look at each other or at themselves, and they start to think about themselves, they think that this is not bad and that maybe they will grow now, and they think about their own growth. But as soon as they start to think, not about the master ant, but about themselves and each other, they immediately start to fall into the abyss and go down. Such a paradox. Selfishness is immediately activated. It is true, I am giving a blow to your selfishness!
So it turns out that all the wishes and thoughts you had were like, “Alexandr, it is true that if I read your book or watch the film you recommended, everything