Question: In the first and second volumes, it says that the analogues of the twelve sa- cred plants, trees, animals, etc., can be found everywhere. How can they be identified?
You have to find a kind of pattern. Take the rainbow as an example: seven col- ours are seven stages. Then take the seven stages of not only light, but the sev- en stages of sound. Then take the seven variations of stones and minerals and also find these seven stages of plants. They will be different. But it’s like they will create this harmony, like stages. They will be something lower, something higher. And they will be like seven shades, like seven variations. Try this. How do you do it? It’s like I did with people. I mean, it’s like collecting, like collecting bugs. Or the way I collect music, you collect bugs. You collect them by catego- ry, and then you see that they’re repeating themselves. And it’s like there’s any number of categories you could have put them in. You have to start categorising everything. If you categorise everything you’ll see this pattern. Basically there is nothing difficult about it. How hard is it for you to find out how many of the most popular trees grow in your town? You see them. What kind of trees are they? The important thing is not to be lazy. Don’t just list the names of, say, ten trees that grow in your town. You should read about each of them and open photos so that you can have, let’s say, a collage with pictures of trees in a row so that there are ten trees at once. What they look like visually, so that you can look at them. You look at their trunks, their rings, their names. Or physically, taking a twig from each tree and making a collection, a leaf from each tree, or a root. It’s interest- ing how it all works.
I now see that, as I mentioned before in theory, but now I see that every single thing has these codes in it. And that, let’s say you have something that hurts, you’re missing the two-seven-five code, and you find these foods that have that two-seven-five code, you eat them and they complement you. Everything is there. The programme we live in.
If you look further on hos everyone lives. There are different Moons in differ- ent countries and cities. It is the same Moon, but the positions are different. Different moons and different months are reversed in different ways. Differ- ent suns. Somewhere, in some countries, the sun is always up and then down.