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Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:34 pm
then it must already be in the future. And then I realised that’s how it is, and I was shocked. And I realise that this is what flying saucers are. And this force that communicates with me is what I have invented now, in theory, and what I will create in the future. And that the one communicating with me will be me in the future. Then I have this epiphany again of realising this Trinity; I start googling Trinity, Holy Spirit and so on. And I look at the icons and everywhere on the icons the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are the same person. So they all have the same face. The Son and the Father. And I’m like, “Wow, fascinating. And then I began to understand the concept of time. I mentioned it in the sec- ond volume – the centre of time, the axis of the earth. It’s like realising that I’m the son now. And in the future I am the Father. And the Spirit is the Father going back in time, through these technologies, and what is the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. I now understand why people pray in their names. And I know why the initiated always express themselves in this way. Because they understand this connection and that there is someone in the future communicating with them. This is the Trinity for conscious people. That is, in essence, the mean- ing of the Trinity is not just something beautiful or religious that is depicted on icons that fanatics are crazy about. But this is the power from the future that is involved here in the past. That is the Trinity. Do you understand?