out that I was... talking to people. Then I fainted and slept for a couple of hours. I felt very strange for the whole week, like every day in my dreams something was happening to me, to my body: I was hot, I was cold, and in my dreams something was getting into my head. It’s like that every day. I can’t drown it out, it’s still the strongest “cosmos”, some kind of transformation, mutation and so on. And it’s like it’s connected to discoveries. Discoveries, discoveries, everyday discoveries, and then I sleep strangely. Like I’m dreaming, like I’m not dreaming. As if I’m in and out of reality. Then I wake up and I don’t understand anything. It’s like a dream. It’s hard to put into words. It’s hard to say. It’s hard to write it down. Of course I have communicated with different people, but through me the system does everything, and for those who have asked questions not personally, but about “Alternative History”, it feels as if this system is speaking through me. Not to the person asking, but to me, but it is hard for me to remember. Because I’m not talking with my mind.
From an observation, if I were to describe what it is. I’ll try to put it in chronological order. First of all, there are seven continents. We imagine the planet in front of us as a model, and these seven continents are like the seven corners of a matrix. And we don’t understand what it means when we can draw lines from continent to continent. One continent on the left, another on the right, some on the top, some on the bottom. If we draw all the lines, we can see where the eighth continent should be. The question is: is it there, or is it hidden? Or is the eighth continent the aggregate of these seven continents, i.e. in general it is the eighth something? But since it’s all fractal – and fractal is what? Like a star that is made up of stars, of these stars – it is a part of a big star. So everything in the matrix is like that in this one. And it turns out that there are many, many of these worlds and matrices that are built by analogy, that there are seven corners, but all these worlds, from the smallest to the largest, have this eighth corner. It’s like a corridor, this tunnel. And there’s this rabbit hole. But that’s OK, that’s still OK. What is even more interesting is that a person asks me: “Alexandr, when this new matrix of yours is created, invented, launched, how can I connect to it? I say, “Wait, so it is launched. What you have felt since childhood is this matrix. It’s always there. I talk about it in my books, that’s why I answered you. I will give you all the rules and all the instructions on how to be in this new matrix.