basketball, you would think I was sleeping with this ball. No. If you go to a chess coach, of course he only talks to you about the world of chess. But you’re in that lesson and you’re immersed with him for an hour or two while you’re playing chess with him. But then you have to have your own life. And this chess teacher has his own life.
But I don’t understand why many of you don’t live like people, and you should live like people. You should really buy a bike, you should really buy rollerblades, you should play sports, you should go climbing, you should find some kind of things to collect. You should do some of the same interesting things in your spare time. Go to the theatre, go dancing, go to some tango nights and explore different places where people dance, for example. I’ve been to so many of those around the world; it’s very cool; the music is live, everyone’s dancing and every- one’s getting to know each other. Please, you should be in a world of people. It is great that you have this opportunity, that in addition to this rich, interest- ing world of people, you should have a rich life, that when you are bored with everything, you can go to your room or somewhere on the roof of your house or in the basement, turn on a night light, some strange music and solve some puzzles. Well, it’s great, but you shouldn’t devote your life to it; it’s not your role as “Alexandr Korol”; you’re not a scientist. I’m the scientist, not you. Just like the chess coach. Yes, he’s played chess all his life. And he has chess students from morning till night. And you only spend two hours with this chess teacher. And then you go back to your world. And you don’t sit there and interfere with the chess teacher and the next student in his chess class, you understand? You’re not breathing down his neck.
You don’t know the limits. There are selfish people among my readers, who are in their own heads, thinking only about their own affairs, their own projects. They casually take my information and use it for themselves. And not even for the soul, but for commercial purposes. Then they don’t recognise it and don’t give it any importance. There are such people. That’s also wrong. Because my information is only for my soul, not for profit, the system will also give me a very strong kick in the head. And there are those who are fanatics. Instead of using my information to be bolder in society and just live, realise and do themselves. There are those who are simply fixated on not wanting to go out into society at all