Mystic-Old-Man: It is simple, Alex. Imagine there was nothing. And then something appeared. When something appears, it tends to move. “Appeared” – it emerged, which is a process of something evolving and moving in time and space. When it appears, it moves mechanically. Any movement from the inside out or from the outside in is dynamic and time. It is one thing for time to flow in a linear way, which you observe and understand as movement. It is another thing when the movement is directed within you. In both cases it is time, it just works differently. It works against linear time, pushing it forward or backward. When it goes inside, it may seem as if there is no movement, but there is movement inside. That is what you are describing now.
Alexandr: Do I understand you correctly that I had different events in my life when I experienced both cases?
Mystic-Old-Man: Of course. The speed of the inner movement can be gigantic. The outer speed is the movement itself. Imagine a huge object moving forward in space, but the motion inside the object is in the opposite direction. The object is still moving forwards. But its internal motion is reversed. How can we follow it? Will something happen to it? Yes, it will. The object will have strange properties. That’s why you... That’s what it’s about... That’s what we’re talking about.
Alexandr: All right. I have another question. When I wrote my books, I was separated from the time of ordinary people and went to another world. I wrote my books in a different world. I want to understand what it was like. How did it slow down or speed up?
Mystic-Old-Man: In some cases it slowed down when you were writing. In other cases it went faster. So it became layered. Yes, exactly. It took on the form of layering.
Alexandr: Okay. What is better for my health – to have time go faster or slower for me?
Mystic-Old-Man: Stop, stop. You have to... OK, look. Why do I say “must”? Because you have to observe where the slowing occurs. You have many places inside where time goes faster and places where time goes slower. That’s why there are different levels of space inside you with different phases of time. There are spaces within you that are thousands of years old, and there are spaces where you have not even been born yet. When you activate a curtain of points where