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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

Even though I am still sitting in the same place, the angle of my attention or the beam of light from the projector that is illuminating this reality for me or this room is changing. The perspective shifts. For example, if I am in Spirit, the light is coming from above and my consciousness is there. If I am at the frequency of ‘No Name’ and ‘No Mind’, then the consciousness moves to the bottom right corner of the cube at about 70% of the total height of the cube. Because there is also a difference in height. So the angle of the dark frequency was at the lower left angle in the very lowest part of the room. That was the point where I was looking at my room. It was very strange. I realised that at one point in time I was travelling in the labyrinth, changing angels. That is the essence of it. That is what the multiverse is. That’s why I didn’t recognise St Petersburg in 2020, even though it was still the same city. I knew it was still the same city, but something was different. Imagine, for example, a car parked on the street. You always see it from your window, and this is the current angle from which you see it. Now imagine that you have bought a house across the street, and now you see the same car from a different angle – from a window on the opposite side of the street. The street and the car are the same and nothing has changed. You are looking at the same image from a different angle. Same car, different angle. This is a crucial point, remember it. That’s why I keep saying – angle, angle, angle, because angle is literally an angle.
So I talked to Big Alexander about it and he said, as usual:” You will go through all this; it will be over soon. You are going through a mutation. And you know what he said? It is so paradoxical why he said it. He said: “Right after that you will have miracles in your life. You can’t even imagine what you will be able to do. You can’t imagine what you will be able to do now. There will be flawless miracles. You won’t even understand how it will happen. That was what he told me, you know? That I will do miracles. I don’t know. On one hand, everything is moving in that direction and I am expanding more and more. A lot of deep knowledge is opening up for me. But so far I haven’t seen any miracles. I can’t move cups of water or plates of food. I can’t possess people. Nothing like that. In theory I know everything, all the secrets and mysteries, but only in theory.
Big Alexander said that I was going through a mutation and that later I would have extraordinary abilities and work miracles. Then he told me: