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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

version of Alexandr Korol, I had very few readers, and people in society couldn’t identify and describe me as if I was nobody, because I am really nobody. I put a lot of effort into presenting myself back then. I gained a lot of readers because I appeared in many multiverses, in their vibrations. I descended there, and people read my books. Later, I left those multiverses of society and material frequencies and went where I was from. Now I am gone. There is no me.
So you see, it can be controlled. For example, take the show “Travelers.” This show is produced on a certain frequency. Many people can’t watch it because they don’t like it or are not interested in it. The show is not in their vibrational space, and they will not notice it. That’s the paradox. Only certain frequencies can see this show. The point is that if I were on higher vibrations of the movies “Exodus: Gods and Kings” or “King,” I wouldn’t be able to watch “Travelers.” I would turn it off because these are parallel worlds that don’t intersect. The point is that I must lower my vibrations a lot to watch this show, even though there is some good information there. Close to the truth. But you see – this show is on a different frequency. I can change the code of a musical track to something that everyone will like – you, your friends, my friends, and all other people. Everyone will like it. Or I can create a code that only one person will like. The point is that this is how all consumer goods are created.
There is one more thing that I want to point your attention to. When you are in the “cosmos” and feel inspired, it is because you caught one of my frequencies. Your attention was focused on some particular words, stories, moments, and me. When you thought of me and, consequently, of my books and everything associated with them, your world became miraculous because you got into the multiverse of magic. You have the same people surrounding you and the same objects, but nothing disturbs you; you feel great and love everything. But it al- ways ends. People would complain to me for ten years and say: “Alexandr, what happened? We attended your online conference, and everything was so swell, and we felt so exalted, but it disappeared the next day. How can we keep this state? How can we retain it and protect it from disappearing?” The point is not the people or objects that surround you but your thoughts. You don’t even need to change anything physically. What matters is your thoughts and your attention, you see? Now, think about this: you have seven or five – let’s stick with five to simplify things – primary subjects that you think about. You have five sub-