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Alexandr Korol
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Page 368

Post by Alexandr Korol »

cool, these are different worlds”. But he didn’t realise that when you are really in that world, you start to radiate that energy yourself. You become it. When you listen to The XX, you become The XX. It is not like it is playing in the background and you are listening to it. You become that code. Then everything you do be- comes that frequency, that energy. It turns out that it is closely related to the percentage of connection. I am going to use another set of numbers to avoid any confusion. So there are six fundamental points, primary and basic, that connect you to your world, your universe. Beyond that there are many other elements; you can get a mental picture if you like. All these elements together radiate up to 51% of the energy of the world in which you live. In other words, these elements together dominate all the others. Most of the time 100% of the elements belong to a particular multiverse. For example, you are in multiverse number 45. If a person finds out that they live on frequency 45 and it is possible to move to frequency 70, they start to make some changes. He listens to my songs and he stops carrying a wallet, for example. Now he thinks he’s on a different frequency, when in fact he’s only changed 15% of his life, and it doesn’t change anything. The changes have to be over 51%. That is the first thing I always say. You have to remember it. Now, if we dig deeper, we see that people didn’t change the six main points of their lives. They kept the same people around them, and people were the strongest transmitters. They kept the same habits and routines that they had. They didn’t replace them. And you see, replacement is crucial. Now let’s forget about attentional control. When a person’s attention is taken away from relationships with people or from some activities, it has to be redirected to something else. That is why substitution is essential. If a person just forbids something – he is a fool. He must replace things and not just forbid them, that is the right way. When a person understands these basic points, they are intellectually advanced enough to know, in theory, how to use this formula and go to another multiverse. How do you know when you have changed multiverses? It is very obvious, believe me. It is like a new life. You physically feel it and you definitely know that you are on a different path in life. When you leave your previous life that you had for 7 or 10 years, I don’t know what your case is, you barely remember what it was. You know how people say: “I’m trying to change, but the past is pulling me back.” When you really change, you can’t be pulled back. Do you know why? When you are attuned to a new universe (7:7:7), everything you