Page 398

Alexandr Korol
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Page 398

Post by Alexandr Korol »

anymore. How did the system affect me back then? I used to worry about people, if someone would suddenly close down or get lost, and now it’s like I don’t have to worry anymore. And that everything should be like this now, that society is going to finish off everyone. And nature will start to clean itself up. And I just sit in my “Zion” and go on meditating and writing books for myself, for self-development, and for those who don’t want to be bloggers but want to feed their inspiration, their conscience – they read my books.
In fact, it’s coming to something very interesting now, a sort of denouement to the whole thing. Do you understand why I’ve always blocked people on social networks and messengers? Why did I behave like that? I don’t perceive a per- son as a person. I feel the code. If I see that a person is doing something and that they are controlled by this society, I block them immediately. But I have already, let’s say, ‘boarded up’ all the windows and doors so that this darkness doesn’t come after me. But it will not harm me, which is also a paradox. Even Mystic-Old-Man has confirmed this, saying that I am not under the control of this force. It can’t shut me down, so you don’t even have to worry about it. And here’s this illusion that I’ve had all my life, that the darkness would swallow me up. Maybe it was a deliberate illusion that I’ve always resisted it and that’s why it hasn’t swallowed me. The illusion is that it can consume at all, but don’t worry about it. I will never lose to this society, even if I do nothing, even if I just walk into this society right now. I already have that kind of power.
But still, you know, they’re sneaking in. I am no longer on social networks, but there is a messenger. There are people who still try to write, but they are not people. You have now understood that people are vessels, just capsules, and of course light people will never write anything; if someone writes, they are dark people. The darkness is trying to reach me through them. It is darkness; it is evil; it is trying to scare me, to intimidate me somehow, to attack me. And so they all start doing the same thing... I mean, they don’t even know it; you’d be shocked how much they’re the same kind of people. People from different cities and countries around the world, of different ages and genders, writing exactly the same messages, as if they were really connected to some source. And they all try to reach me somehow, which means they can write anywhere: email or messenger. At one point I wanted to delete them all. And the most interest- ing thing is that the matrix, this Mother of God system, “says” that I should not