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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

different forms. But even that can be looked at under certain frequencies, like the multiverse. I gave a very cool example a long time ago. I can go to a res- taurant, I can go there for a year, and the same staff works there, and they are always super cheerful and happy and friendly. And they’ve never been negative. There’s another person who goes to that restaurant, and he’s been in that restau- rant all his life at the exact time when everyone is angry and upset and resentful. He just went in at those times or on those days. Because he’s on that kind of wave, he’s attracted to that kind of thing. And that’s how he crossed over. And he thinks that all the bad people work in this restaurant, and I think that all the good people work in this restaurant. You see? But it’s all about frequencies. And what you have described about your friend, that he is one or the other, as if he has been switched, he can also have this angle that he came under with another angle. And it turns out that he could have taken that angle from somebody else. So he is communicating with somebody, and that affects everything very much. Imagine, let’s say, you have a friend, Petya, and you’ve noticed that when Petya communicates with his team and his company of friends, he’s more cheeky and angry afterwards. Always after some people he’s just communicated with today, and you, let’s say, met him. And every time he meets you after that company of friends, he’s grumpy and he’s rude. But when you see your friend, but he did not see his company of friends that day, but he was at work or at home, in the family, in relationships, he is, on the contrary, so cordial, you can always have a heart-to-heart talk with him. You see, it’s like different people, one him, then another. So what makes him different? That’s how he changes his perspective. So when he’s in a relationship with his girlfriend, he has one angle. When he’s with his parents, it’s a different angle. When he’s with his thugs, he’s got a third angle. That’s the way it goes. Well, only multifaceted people have things like that, but it’s great. There are people like that and there are situations like that. That’s the way it is. I’ve been in that situation a lot. My girlfriend used to say to me so many times: “Alex, when you stay at home alone in your “cosmos” and we see each other, you are so and so. But when you talk to someone you know, you become different”. That is, I enter a completely different world.
And it turns out that, first of all, if your friend is already changing, it means that in principle he can already change. That’s not bad. And he is changing because somebody is changing that angle for him. The same angle is set by something.