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Alexandr Korol
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Page 427

Post by Alexandr Korol »

in general, and that’s the way I would look at it. Although your version is right too – it’s like the angle of perception, who perceives it the way they perceive it. Of course, for some people I will be in their eyes that I am doing all this. And someone will look at it with horror and think that I am bad. And some people will think I’m cool. In fact, it is this interconnectedness that does it all, and I am just an actor in it all. But it’s clear that I’m not just an actor; it’s clear that I’ve grown to this level; it’s clear that it’s a code; it’s clear that it’s genetic – it’s all clear. But the fact is. And what you wrote about the events, that maybe it’s them, these “Horsemen of the Apocalypse” ...
Let’s take your version of the pandemic. It started, and then I discovered that I was The Lamb of God. And I didn’t have anything at the time. I mean, if we connect the dots. I had nothing then. When the pandemic started, it started earlier; it started in January, February and March, and they were already officially talk- ing about 2020. And it was only in those months that I went to Karelia for the first time. And at that time, you see, there was a pandemic all over the world. But I had no places of power, no clues. The pandemic started earlier. That doesn’t make sense. I didn’t have any discoveries then. Of course, later in Karelia, I saw a connection: that this place is not easy, that there is a place, numbers and places of power. Everything is clear. But that was later. It was already spring-summer when the pandemic was in full swing, you know? I don’t see the connection. Let’s say a year ago, when I started touching on “Alternative History” again, I think that’s closer to the truth. That I started to unravel this, to unravel it all. But then again, maybe it doesn’t have to be on the first day. Time, though... we don’t forget distance and time. Maybe I have done something that will be reflected later. Maybe what I unravelled a year ago is only now, in the future, somehow playing out in the world. Maybe it’s just taken so long for everything to come out. So I see things differently. I believe that there have been no horse- men of the apocalypse yet. I believe that pandemics and wars are the work of those who have created this society and that it is not Mother Nature, not the good matrix. It is this evil force, this sinful society. They all do it. And why they do it is another question. But it is not some countries that are doing it, but who is behind them? It is someone who rules over all this and who does all this. And yet it seems to me that it’s just people, a secret power that wants to make stupid, soulless drug addicts out of everyone so that they can take over the whole world.