Page 435

Alexandr Korol
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Page 435

Post by Alexandr Korol »

But again, I don’t have enough practice to know how much of a complete multiverse it would be. Even just theoretically, I will say this – yes, it can be done. After all, those in power now are the villains who created the “society” multiverse – it’s just a manufactured vision of theirs, as they want it, and they bend it. And that’s it, and here is this multiverse. It’s consuming all humans. Here, they’ve created it themselves. So it turns out that a human can create a multiverse in this matrix. But it’s not quite human. Humans don’t know that. And now I can create my own multiverse in return. But again – and this is a paradox – on one hand everything is based on money. It turns out that those who are villains every- where use their code, their soul, which makes all these films, music, propaganda, frequency and mood. Everything is done under a mood. And people are all connected to that mood. That’s the source. And I have to, you know, “give an answer”. I have to do everything in my mood. That means, figuratively speaking, when you do things, you should do them according to my standards, you know, according to my Feng Shui: things, music, films. And let it grow, you know? And then the people who will listen to it, eat it, watch it, wear it and so on, and read my books, will be connected to it. It will be a different source. A different mood, different values and different intentions will be transmitted to them. Do you know what I mean?

Question: So it turns out that there is no way out of the matrix. I mean this projection of ours, the system we are in. In the sense that we can switch to the “corridor” for a while, go to the “technical level” to one of the multiverses, let’s say. And we can also just pump up to the next level, raise these gigahertz from 500 to 1000 and go to the next level, there, to the next era. Because all of this is also a matrix, we are just moving on in the sense that we are just moving into another matrix in terms of fractality. A bigger one, but again, in a global sense, we remain in the matrix, in the system, in one of its entities, at a higher or lower level. Or is it just too early for us to think about leaving the matrix as such? We should first become complete and whole, not to be a part of something, but to have this snowflake matrix already assembled within us and to be able to move as you do through the multiverse within this matrix. And to go to a level above or below in terms of the fractality of the matrix. And only then will I be able to think about some kind of exit.