Page 478

Alexandr Korol
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Page 478

Post by Alexandr Korol »

that I do not choose countries. I do not care what kind of country it is, no matter how beautiful it is, I care about the people. If people have bad feelings, I can’t be with them, you know? And all these posh posers who think I’m one of them because I’m not a gorilla, they’re always wondering and asking:

– Alex, why aren’t you in Miami? Why aren’t you in the Maldives? Why aren’t you in Bali?
– It’s terrible, it’s bad.
– How is it? It’s so cool!
– No, it’s just bad people.
– Oh, there you go again, thinking you are better than everyone else. – No, I don’t think so. It’s terrible out there, all those rotten places.

And what did Mystic-Old-Man say? He confirmed it. What did he say? What I always said before about South Africa, and half, as he said, of the Arab countries. Because half of them are bad, full of dirt. And the other half is good. There are humble countries and humble, poor people who are all happy, with rich souls and with God. Yes, they may be crawling with cockroaches, but they have not sold themselves to this plastic filth. And those who have sold their souls will be in trouble.
He mentioned that space is the third element of influence. I haven’t analysed it yet, but as I understand it, we have territories of countries that are somewhere big or somewhere small. Maybe it depends on the size of the city, or the number of people in the area, or how many different time zones the country’s territory covers. But I’ll look into it. It’s very interesting, I’m curious.

There is even more interesting and curious content. I’m still exploring that. As you know, we live in a computer here, but every human being is also a computer. And it’s all organised in such an interesting way. How do you explain that? What can I call it... OK, let me explain it in a different way.
I came to the idea that the projection of this reality and this ideology of mood itself comes from people, from each other. They are the sources. You know, I’ve thought about this before, but I think they’ve done it or are doing it now. I remember thinking about it when I was a child. That there are telephones and we