stump without emotions. You have to realise that when you play football, you are immersed in football. When you are in a family or in a relationship, you are immersed in the relationship. So you have to give yourself to it, get involved in it and then just remember to switch off from it. So that is the idea. And people always have extremes. Either they turn on and forget to turn off, and that’s it, they lose their head, or they turn off, but they walk around with a stony face at work, in relationships, everywhere. And everyone keeps asking them, “What happened? That’s also extreme. And then you just go back into that “out” state. But in that “out” state you should only show it when you are alone. You should only show it to yourself. And when you interact with someone, you are like a guest, immersed in a virtual reality for a while. When you go out for a beer with your friends, you’re fully engaged and immersed. It’s just that when you’re done being with them, you immediately go back into your vacuum, into the “corridor” of the “cosmos”. So that’s the way it should be. What about people? They never separate from their friends and in this rhythm they go to work and then to relationships and so on. So you see what a mistake, what a failure. On the contrary, they have disconnected from everything, but they go to work in such a nailed- on state and cannot get involved in work. And that is also bad. You have to get involved in the work. It’s like when you’re a child and you’re taught to take your first steps: one foot at a time.
One question: Please tell me, is the serpent defeated by St George and the serpent, the tempter, from the Bible and from society, are they the same thing? Or are they different things, beings, matter? I realise now that it is a confrontation between good and evil, but different manifestations of the dark side.
No, it is the same. It is the same essence. So this serpent tempter, he is in the Bible, he tempted Eve, and through Eve, because she was infected by him, she had already tempted Adam. So, men, beware of listening to women. This is how it all happens; it is told very well in religion. Other religions call it something else, but it is this evil Spirit, this dark power, it is the Beast 666, it is the Anti- christ. This is the dark side that there is always resistance to. So it’s like people have to plunge into this false thing, get bumped into it, get out of it and look the enemy in the face, you know? A lot of people are now caught up in this society