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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

in common. And the most interesting thing is that all my relatives, all my col- leagues, all my friends have a bit of “cosmonaut” in them. I mean, even though we all... well, this is me travelling through worlds... But they are all in different frequencies, in world five, in world seven, in world ten. But they are there as angels looking after these sleeping sheep. Through them the system rules when necessary. So they are these messengers: all my relatives and friends, acquaintances and colleagues, and me. I am just of a slightly different rank. And just recently a person I work with asked me, “Alexandr, why me?” I said, “Well, what do you mean? You see, you’re in the world you live in – everybody sleeps there. You are the one who has woken up a little; you are my reader; you are no longer an ordinary person. That’s why you are. You can talk to me and I can talk to you. And they can’t talk to me, they’re zombies. And you’re just in your own world. Here, but only here, in all the worlds you live in, everybody is asleep and you are a little bit awake. A little cosmonaut”. Amusing, isn’t it? That’s it, that’s it.
  • Watch the films: “Oppenheimer,” “The Man Who Knew Infinity.”
I’ll tell you something else interesting. When I give you films to watch, I give you hints through them. I’m not just giving you films. For example, before, when I recommended the film “Matilda”, it was with some other films next to it. There was also a film called “X-Men: First Class”, “Wanted”, it was about a brotherhood of weavers. In those three films there was a message to you that in those three films they show people who have powers. And they show you why. When a per- son gets angry or panics, something happens to them. That’s the message I got through the films. Now I recommend “Oppenheimer”, which I haven’t watched yet, and “The Man Who Knew Infinity”, which I’ve watched a thousand times. Here I emphasise that “Oppenheimer” as well as this Hindu boy, what they dis- covered and created, was helped by who? Indian deities. That’s the funny thing. And I have decided, as I am now learning this subject and being in contact with it, to give you some more detailed information about it. Just out of curiosity, an acquaintance told me that it was so unusual that I might not know about some- thing and not talk about it, but I already have it. And I don’t even know about it. It’s very strange in the sense that I’ve never been interested in Hinduism. And there are readers who know that I have a Hindu bumper sticker in my car – you