expensive, whether you’re given porridge or soup to eat today. It’s like, “Well, it’s fine.” You wouldn’t even think about it because, like someone in love, you’re focused on something else. That’s how it is – this faith or passion. When you’re more in Spirit and consciousness, everything else doesn’t seem to bother you. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wash or walk around in torn clothes. No. Everything should be “spot-on.” But at the same time, you’re not a slave to it, understand? You need to free yourself from any attachments but still remain a moral, well-mannered person. Do you know what connecting to the system means? It’s inside you, and that system inside reflects itself outward. And that’s why they say that if you look inward, you connect to something above, to God. That’s exactly how it is. When you start feeling yourself, you actually begin to feel nature. You begin to feel the system, to feel God. And if you’re sitting at home, drinking water, having done all your tasks, and you don’t know what to do next, and you’ve even exercised, then you eat an orange, take out the seeds, and start reading about how to grow those seeds. You do it, and then you observe yourself from the outside, watching yourself. Then you drink some more water, move on to some other task, but it’s like, with each task, you take stock of where you are, being present in the moment. You feel yourself. And each time you pay attention to yourself, it’s as if something thickens inside you or around you. That’s how I feel now. I’m fully present in the here and now. And that’s very important. You need to pay attention. Keeping a diary really helps you track what you’re thinking, what you’re not thinking, what you’re feeling, what’s worrying you. You need to break it all down. Always try to distinguish which version of you is present today. Is it positive or negative? Highly spiritual or not? This will help you understand things better.
You know, it’s so interesting. I don’t know how this synchronization is arranged or works, but it feels like the way things are in the world right now – this is exactly how I am now. It’s as if... We can sense that we’re not fully “in the cosmos”, and we also see that the world around us isn’t fully “in the cosmos” either. Like there are still some concerns or weaknesses. And in the world we live in, it’s the same. It’s as if you all are learning how to stop feeding your dark version and free yourselves from it, and at the same time, learn how to feed and reveal your bright version even more. It feels like I’m doing the same thing, but on a grand, global scale. And it all seems interconnected if you observe it. I’m observing it right now. And maybe it will happen that when I become 100% spiritual, the whole world will also become 100% spiritual. Or maybe it’s much more complicated