darkness. Those who struggle with weak logic and inability to connect past events with present realities might find it harder to emerge from darkness. Reading all three volumes of your book can help enhance this structured understanding and eventually lead to a way out of the darkness.
Question: When a person is in the illusions of the dark world, they perceive any information through the prism of that world, meaning negatively and superficially. For example, they might read a book’s annotations or its title and already see the entire book in dark colors. In such a case, how can you outwit the consciousness of someone living in darkness to motivate them to read your book? What words would you use to tell that boy from the conversation with Big Alexander, who ended up in a mental hospital, about your book to awaken his interest in reading the fourth volume of “Alternative History”?
I also find it interesting that today a friend asked me:
– When you discuss this dark world that you recently visited, do you re-enter it or not?
– No. When I remember it, it is difficult for me to recall how it felt. As I mentioned before with the multiverses, once you have left that multiverse, it is as if it were all a dream. You can remember it with your mind, but those feelings and sensations of yourself and the apartment and the perception of the world are no longer there. I can only recall it from memory now. But I have left that multiverse of darkness.
And if I now recall from memory, if someone told me “read a book”, no matter what book, no matter why, it would be like you just can’t focus on anything. If someone says “watch a movie”, you would still be more focused on yourself, but in a negative sense, not in a spiritual way, but rather as if you are absorbed in your own depressed state. It’s as if you’re so wrapped up in yourself in a negative way that no matter what is on TV – whether it’s an action film, horror, comedy, a love story, or a super-scientific film – it doesn’t matter. It’s just a film. You can watch it, but you feel no internal response at all. The same goes for music. Everything just feels dead. And it’s the same with a book. If someone gives it to you... well, at first, there might be a bunch of distracting factors and you might say “sure, I’ll read it”, but you never actually pick it up because you forget about