Page 334

Alexandr Korol
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Page 334

Post by Alexandr Korol »

And when we started exploring these places, a very interesting thing happened. We leased various measuring devices; some were designed to measure the waves very deep down, and there is a scale on the device with a standard norm. If the deviation is over a hundred, positive or negative, there is something unusual under the ground. Ancient tombs and burials show deviations between five hundred to a thousand. When we started measuring our locations, we got a whole bunch of deviations of a thousand and fifteen hundred. We told the guys we leased the device from about these deviations, and they didn’t believe us. They said either the device was malfunctioning or we were doing something wrong. It is simply not possible unless you’ve discovered something as significant as the Egyptian pyramids. We kept exploring, and one of the locations near the waterline showed a deviation of three thousand. We started to dig and found a black-grey plate-like stone. Normally, stones have some flakes or veins and are more porous, but this one is very firm, like there are no particles. Strange, like a stiffened powder. We tried to dig it out, looking for the edges, but couldn’t find them. We tried to break, crush, and saw; do anything possible, but it was proving too tough.

Here is my conversation with my associate.

Alexandr: What was your first reaction to this grey substance? Did you think it was a regular stone or something unusual?

Assistant: It was clear right away that it was unusual because we couldn’t crack it at all. It was showing other qualities, unlike regular stones. It began to emanate magnetic fields, and we started researching why this was happening. It was clear that it was not an ordinary stone. Also, we had various theories on how it appeared here. We are brainstorming scenarios, it was interesting. Of course, we would like to know for sure.

Alexandr: I cracked it today, and there is a vein. There are cold-colored traces on both sides of the cracked stone.

Assistant: Oh, yeah, very interesting. Is it unclear what it is?