intimate and warm places for locals. Interesting places like this are often in residential areas.
Also in the streets. I avoided shopping malls and big boulevards and streets. I liked the side streets. One of the main elements of this world is small side streets and alleys, never big boulevards. This is a secret element. I used to go out and walk down little side streets, and it made my heart beat. Everything in this world is beautiful and you want to take pictures and videos. There are cameras in this world and I have a lot of cameras. Cameras are an essential part of this world. As for music, it can be different. It is very interesting. There is music by the Russian bands “Krec” and “Assai” that belongs there. Also Marilyn Manson and Radiohead. There are dogs in this world. This world doesn’t have brands. Everything is guided by the soul. If you like a shirt, it doesn’t matter if it’s a fancy brand. It can be cheap, it can be vintage, it can have a hole in it. If you like it – you don’t care. You don’t say no to your heart and you just buy it.
So this world, this multiverse, doesn’t have brands. Maybe I haven’t fully explored it yet, but for now I can say that there are no brands. And in general, the atmosphere is very cosy and comfortable. Cosiness is a key. You can live somewhere on the edge of town, but your place has to be cosy. You don’t have to live in the centre. Your clothes should also be cosy and comfortable. It is as if you can find something unique in every chain store. Nothing is artificial and everything is guided by nature. You can’t force it. I also mentioned that half an hour or an hour before sunset is important. There are almost no people there. This multiverse is not about society at all. When you’re in this world, you don’t know about celebrities or new films. There is no news, no bloggers, no teachers. There is no one. It’s like your childhood – you only know your neighbour and your classmates. That’s it. No one else. If you want to meet a boy or a girl, you can meet them at your friend’s birthday party. That’s it. No social media.
You can’t think in that world. If you meet someone in a cafe, you can’t ask them: “How old are you? Where do you live? How much do you earn? “That is from the evil multiverse and is forbidden here. It is not allowed because you are creating prejudices. People of the mind like stereotypes, it makes it easier for them to perceive reality. People like to standardise and label others. That’s what people do with me. They try to conventionalise me. This is bad. Everybody has labels for me. They think they know my name and they have an idea of what I look like.