a million smaller planes. Each of them has spiritual and material frequencies and higher and lower vibrations. I travelled through them all, appearing and disappearing everywhere. My appearance changed too, and people didn’t even recognise me. There is such a thing as the ‘Mandela effect’, like a glitch that people can experience. It’s when you’re talking about one thing but thinking about another, and a person you’re talking to can’t even hear your words, but they can feel your emotions, and they get a different message. A person you are talking to receives the code you are projecting through various associations. They can feel your inner state. It happens to people and it has happened to me. I can look the same and talk about the same things, but since I have left this universe the code inside me has changed and people can’t recognise me. I look the same on the outside, but they can’t see me. Also, when I travel between worlds, people forget me when I leave and remember me when I return. This is happening to me now. It is also interesting how people enter and leave the different worlds. You know, I just left Heaven and went back to the “corridor” to study this subject. While I was studying it, I immediately removed all factors that could connect me to that world.
Question: What is the difference between frequencies and multiverses?
There is a fundamental difference and I will do my best to explain it. You know that the world is perfectly orchestrated and there is a range of people from one to twelve. For example, people in the range of one are the silliest, meanest people, and people in the range of twelve are the most advanced and developed. But everyone has the illusion that they know and understand everything. As if everyone is the greatest. People in the lower dimensions don’t even realise that they’re undeveloped. They have the illusion that everything is good, and they see their dimension of the world as completely normal. I will give you an example with orange juice. A person at level one and a person at level twelve might think that when they drink orange juice they taste the same. This impression is based on the fact that some characteristics are the same. The colour seems the same, even though people call it yellow, orange or gold. The taste also seems the same: tart, sour, citrusy. So people from the lowest levels one, two and three, who don’t know any better, think they are drinking the same juice as people