come a different person. If you are a shy and quiet person, you become loud and brash. I went through drastic changes when I travelled between worlds. But no one noticed. I used to be a very shy person. I have mentioned this before in my books. There is a multiverse where you are always alone, as I said before. There is a multiverse where you can have a family. There are so many different multi- verses, including some dangerous worlds.
The shifts between the multiverses are so intense that when you move to a new world it feels like an old version of you has died and a new version is being born. It can feel like a nightmare. That is what the transitions between the multiverses feel like. Quite literally. Everything is brand new.
For example, let’s imagine a character. A girl called Maria, who is my reader. We all know Maria; she is a vegetarian and super shy. She always wears a hoodie and her hair is greasy. If one of you or I had Maria’s body, people would still see her as Maria. They would think she was the same. But her personality would change. She would have characteristics of the person inside her. If I were to become her, I would take a shower and cut her long hair into a bob. I would change my clothes. I would defend myself if someone tried to take advantage of me. I would say: “If you touch me again, I will break your jaw”. People would be shocked and wonder what had happened to Maria. They would say: “Wow, that is not Maria anymore. What has happened?” This is another multiverse. They show it well in the films “Limitless” and “The Lawnmower Man”. People look different, talk different, approach things in a different way. It is a dramatic change. You turn over and your characteristics change completely. These would be the signs that there has been a transformation between the worlds. If you are shy, you become bold and vice versa. You are really moving to a new multiverse when you have a reformation of your personality.
It turns out that humans made a mistake when I gave them the opportunity to explore the frequencies. They all did not approach it in the way I intended. You stayed in your comfort zone. Those who drank alcohol stayed drinking, those who were greedy stayed greedy and those who were cowardly stayed cowardly. You kept your personality and did not change anything. Perhaps you are begin- ning to live more courageously. You approached it in a materialistic, superficial way. You thought that if you changed your jacket, your life would change. Of course not. In fact, I gave examples of tools that improve the quality of life by