the ‘purple’ one. I will be there at a different time and season. We would never meet. I would visit different places and shops than you. I would buy a different item in the souvenir shop. I would buy a ‘purple’ one and you would buy a ‘green’ one.
You will see a different Hong Kong to me. This is what multiverses mean. Of course, you will think that you and I are seeing the same city. You will say that the high-tech skyscrapers of Hong Kong remind you of the USA, and I would say the same. It is like orange juice. We may think we are drinking the same juice, but we perceive it differently. So you and I see different versions of Hong Kong from a personal point of view. It is very amusing.
So almost everyone is so attached to their world and their personality that they change their quality of life, but they never know what the other frequency is. Another frequency is the multiverse. I will also explain this using the frequency of “travelling” as an example. Anyone, including me, can watch films about travelling and listen to music from films like “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” and bands like Milky Chance and Angus and Julia Stone. Will it change your mood? It will. It will change the mood of everyone who listens to it. It doesn’t mean that we’ve moved into another universe. It is an example of a world within a world. The matrix within the matrix. You can change your mood within the boundaries of the matrix in which you live. You can experience different emotional states within your matrix and your multiverse. You could hear me say: “Hey guys, I decided to listen to all the “travelling” tracks to get into this mood.” When I said that, I assumed you knew what I meant. I didn’t move to a new universe, I just changed my mood, emotion and rhythm to a more positive disposition. In- deed, when you listen to music like this, you feel these vibrations, but still with- in your own multiverse. All the multiverses have these worlds. What worlds? I am talking about mood and emotional states. You can feel down or sad, angry or inspired. You may feel exhilarated and want to travel. You can evoke those emotions through the elements, but you still do it within the boundaries of your multiverse. So I see that for some reason people are confused about these la- bels. Let me put it this way. When you change your mood, you change your frequencies. But only frequencies within your frequencies, within your universe. And that is different from the multiverse. Let’s make clear distinctions. What is a frequency? Frequency is the mood of the multiverse in which we live. Dimen-