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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

other worlds as they grow up. It often happens when a person is going through a separation from something that is most important to them – usually a relation- ship or a career. Something that holds their attention very strongly. His world collapses because the points that hold his foundation in that world are removed and his attention is free. He can connect to a new world when his attention is free. There are also unique people and beings who have had this opportunity all their lives, from childhood to old age. They don’t have attachments like most people. For the majority, the attachments become stronger with age. It is quite easy for younger people. It is much harder for those who have developed attachments and stayed in one world for too long. Ties are hard to break. On the other hand, my books are about that. The books may seem strange, but they are all about consciousness, because I wrote them from the “corridor”. Half of my readers are people over fifty. It doesn’t matter how old they are or what they do – they have no dependencies. It is possible that life has shaped them in this way. Perhaps there are higher powers behind them, sending them reminders like mine to wake them up and keep them unattached. These people have always had sobering experiences. They stay awake. These people are exempt from the rule. As a rule of thumb, age is usually a big factor. Keep this in mind. It is easier for a younger person, who is not fully developed, to change his life. I used to use 21 as a cut-off age. I think up to 25 is also possible. Up to that age, you don’t have anything so solid that it would be hard to change. Remember that this is a figure of speech. In reality, no one can do it on purpose. Usually it happens naturally to younger people under 25. It is normal for it to happen organically. That is why families have to pay attention to the development of their younger generation and what influences them. If I were to write books on education and family, I would use all my basic knowledge and basic keys to create material on how to build a family. It is a very serious process and you have to approach it with dedicated awareness. It is crucial to invest in your children. I mean morals and values. You have to protect them from the stinking social multiverse that is popular today. Of course, a child shouldn’t be an outsider and shouldn’t be a white crow in the group. You have to know society and be wide awake. I have been through all levels of society. Good and bad. It was not a hard journey for everyone. I had a special mission and that was part of my journey. Parents need to immerse their children in sport or science. Make sure he is part of a meaningful movement