Page 321

Alexandr Korol
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Page 321

Post by Alexandr Korol »

“Wow, there is no more old farm. We have a new farm now. But the old farm still exists, and the pigs still live there. They don’t know about the new farm and nothing has changed for them, you see? Do you understand? No, I don’t think you understand. I know what you are all thinking. How can I explain? Well, per- haps it is not necessary for you to understand. You can’t understand, not because I can’t explain it, but because you haven’t reached that level yet. For example, imagine a restaurant. And there are signature meals. When the restaurant was brand new, all the meals were 100% good and delicious. A year later, 90% of the meals became bad, and the quality of the ingredients went down. There are people who come to that restaurant and eat those meals. They choose the low quality items that are in 90%. They choose those items because they are on the same frequency, their lives are of low quality and they don’t recognise them as bad. Other people may come to the same restaurant and they will only choose the other 10% on the menu, which are good meals. This is not intentional; they will just point at some items on the menu and choose the good ones. Do you see the paradox? See how interesting that is? Now, continuing with the same example – “restaurant” is the world we live in. Imagine that 50% of the items on the menu are good and 50% are bad. When a person ate there a long time ago, he liked the “Caesar” salad because it was good back then. Then something happened and the quality slipped into the category of badly made meals. So the next time a person comes to the same restaurant, he is not alert and chooses the same salad because he remembers that it was good before. He has a memory of what it was like when he tried it, and this time he doesn’t use his intuition and orders a salad just because he remembers that he liked it and the quality was good. So he orders it and doesn’t realise that the salad has gone bad. He closes up. He becomes as bad as the salad. This is exactly what has happened to many people you know and people I know, my friends and my readers. Do you see what has happened? It touched me too. I could be in society and go back to the frequency of “cosmos”, ‘Heaven’ or ‘Third World’. How did I go back when I wanted to? I have elements there that I could use to attract my attention. I could meet a friend who lives on this frequency. I knew that if I talked to him I would go to his world. But when I meet this friend, I see that he is no longer on a frequency of Heaven. Something has happened and he has slipped into a frequency of hell. You see? That’s why you can’t trust the moulds. The collection of elements that you made some time