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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

I called him and explained what I was feeling and asked him what I should do about it. And do you know what else he said? He said: “It takes a lifetime for a person to pass through this world, this angle and this multiverse. We are all learning and we have to know all the worlds. He said that for some people it takes a lifetime to learn this dimension so that the code can be uploaded to him. He said: “Look how fast you get the uploads. You have just been in one multi- verse and now you have moved to a new one. You will spend a day or two there and it will be over. He also said, “I have to acknowledge something. For some people it takes a lifetime to understand, but for me it will happen in a flash. I can get the essence of the lesson immediately. I can understand the reason and the nature of this multiverse and what it is for. I learn how to get out of it very quickly. All these multiverses are like illusions. I can describe them like magic spells. It’s like taking a pill and seeing different images – beautiful or scary. The goal is to understand and remember that this is not a real world but a particular multi- verse. So it turns out that I have hacked both multiverses, Heaven and Hell. Let me tell you how it works. When you’re there, you don’t see it from the beginning and you don’t control it. Nothing like that. You are immersed in a feeling and some random thoughts creep into your head. Then suddenly you realise that this is not your world. You feel like you have taken a cold dive and you say to yourself: “Wake up, Alex! This is not your world. So I leave, and then I study what I do in this world, what the pros and cons are, why a person gets there and how they can leave. The main thing I learned is that you have to remember that this is just a phase because it is a multiverse. It’s a certain blissful world, but I remember what I am and I follow my own path, so I don’t stay long. It was like a maze and I passed through it very quickly. And now I walk other mazes that are very interesting.
So I was in this last labyrinth, a corner. There are no demons and devils in this multiverse and I will tell you more about it. I decided I had to record it as I re- membered it. I said to Big Alexander:

– Listen, this is a special frequency. Imagine a small town on the outskirts of St Petersburg. There are small towns with a bad atmosphere. There are nice little towns like the town of Pushkin, but there are bad towns like Kolpino, with drunks and run-down houses. Alcoholic families like in the Russian films “Leviathan” and “Cargo 200”. This is what the world feels like. Very dark.