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Alexandr Korol
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Page 350

Post by Alexandr Korol »

Many places in the countries of the former USSR have this frequency. I mentioned before that the worst places are the suburbs of Russian cities. Really bad people live there: paedophiles and serial killers who eat people. This is true. I made a list of the elements of this world. What they eat and what they do. They all eat very heavy food with a lot of carbohydrates. They all have stomach and liver problems, and in general they have health problems. They eat a lot of minced meat, Russian dumplings, heavy macaroni products and cheap sausages.
They eat very heavy meals several times a day and drink a lot of soda. This is a very poor frequency. People there are very poor. They consume a lot of cheap soda, not Coca-Cola, but some very cheap carbonated drinks and artificial juices, which are very unhealthy. There are all kinds of people in this world – young and old. They have the most horrible and unpleasant diseases. Lots of venereal diseases and bad, rotten teeth. It is a very bad world. Everybody is in debt and struggling. There is a lot of criminal activity and they often steal from each other. Even siblings who live together steal some things from each other and sell them to get some money. A very bad world. As I told Big Alexander, I know some industrial areas in St Petersburg where people live like this. For example, a district called Rybatskoye. There are some decent areas there, but mostly deep slums. Big Alexander told me: “Alex, you went to this world to clear the negative karma of the family.” Not just one family, but all the families. It is as if I am mak- ing a decision about all the people who exist in this world. How is that possible? I am not even doing anything. I haven’t left my house, I’ve been writing my book and listening to music. Now I have to make a decision about someone.
In fact I would say right away that I don’t need any of this and why would I want to be in this world? Why would I need those people? Then I felt really bad about those people. I realised, why should I ruin this world when it is all my world? You have to cherish your possessions. My world is all the worlds together. That is what I thought. Then I realised something. I have a very strong mind. I am not talking about the spirit, I am talking about my own consciousness. Me as a person. I am very strong and when I came to this world I was able to distinguish what kind of thoughts came into my mind. All thoughts and desires in this multiverse are bad. If anyone else were there, they would be immediately swallowed up by that world. I can hold back because I never fall into a trap.