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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

For example, you can go to the “Prada” store and buy a T-shirt. Everything will matter – day, time, place, when and how you go there. What multiverse are you in when you go there to buy a T-shirt? The point is not the T-shirt itself. For example, I could buy a cheap T-shirt in New York for $10 when I was living there at a very high frequency and high angle, and that T-shirt is priceless to me now. It is worth all the money to me because I bought it when I was in a very high frequency multiverse. Do you see my point now? It could be the opposite – I could buy an expensive shirt and spend a thousand dollars on it, but if the angle isn’t very good, it doesn’t mean much to me. So you can be at an amazing angle and get things without paying much attention to them. You just buy things without thinking about it. But when I think about some of the amazing angles of the multiverses and I look at the objects that I bought when I was in those worlds, I see the code of those worlds. These objects become guides for me to go back to that multiverse. It could be a simple pen bought in a random shop, but what matters is time. Time, the frequency of the multiverse and the angle. Do you understand? There is a code embedded in objects and it can be controlled. There are 24 primary angles of the multiverses in which humans live, and there are dimensions, levels and sublevels. It is a coding system and it is possible to create a code for a person or an object to appear in a particular multiverse. So if you are on the second frequency of multiverse number five, any art or music you make will have a code for that frequency. When I was young I used to say that you can’t be a scientist unless you are on the frequency of scientists. To be successful you have to be where success is. There are so many different multiverses and you can be an amazing photographer. You may be wealthy, but you live in a bad multiverse where bad people are attracted to you. You might think the whole world is like that. But there is another multiverse with exactly the same objects but different codes, like if the light bulb in you is not pink but yellow. You will see different people and different people will see you. This is very subtle. The same approach applies to choosing your partner or your home.
It may seem that you know people and when you are in the yellow multiverse you will think that this person is the best. But if you are in the pink multiverse, you will see another person as the best. So what does that mean – a good person? It turns out that there is no such thing. There is no ‘good’ or ‘bad’. It just depends on what catches your attention, which depends on the angle you are in. It is very interesting.