Page 391

Alexandr Korol
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Page 391

Post by Alexandr Korol »

So why do they get money so easily and have such power over people? Because the devil gave it to them. Because they sold their souls to the Devil, to society, to the “agent smith”. And that’s why it was easy for them and nobody touched them. Society is power. If I go into society, it will want to digest me, absorb me and spit me out. It would try to make a devil out of me and take me over to its side. But I won’t let it. And it’ll either try to kill me, lock me up, or turn me into an evil. Only three options: kill me, lock me up or make me evil. That’s the only thing society can do to me, that’s “agent smith”. Because I’m the enemy, I’m a distraction and a bug in the system. And it wants everyone to work for it, for its social system, for evil. And everybody who works for it and supports it, everybody who supports the drugs, the debauchery – all the jokes and the filth – they all feel good because they have the “agent smith” world behind them, but if you live in the matrix, in the system, but you are good and clean, sooner or later they will come for you. That’s why it’s dangerous for me even to be in a pure matrix, where I was as a writer. It’s easier not to be a writer anymore, that is, how much society has already absorbed the whole system, nature, that it’s easier for me just to be in “Zion”, that is, I’m just a nobody. And so it is in everything.
It’s the same with a restaurant chain, or a grocery chain, or a chocolate company. Before “agent smith” got to them, they were making chocolate bars out of good cocoa. And let’s say a restaurant chain was making good food for good money. When “agent smith” came in and got to those bosses, they started making small- er chocolates, the quality was worse, the packaging was worse, and they started doing more cheeky advertising. It was the same with the restaurants. And now it has happened to everyone. It turns out that people who do not succumb to society, that is, do not succumb to “agent smith”, and those are many Russian artists, musicians and directors. They are now in poverty and, like me, in a kind of reserve, that is, they have gone to their country houses and are sitting there. They don’t want to be part of the corporate parties, and it’s low for them to make money that way, and they don’t want to be part of these “dirty” TV shows, even though they can. Their spouses tell them, “Go on the show, you will make money” and they say, “No, it is against my soul. It would offend me. I’d rather not live than dare to go on such a filthy show. I won’t go to those freaks”. Now a lot of artists go through this. And they just hide and sit at home.
All the artists who are not real, from bad, incomprehensible, low frequen-