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Alexandr Korol
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Post by Alexandr Korol »

light, good matrix feels warmth, kindness, lightness and there are no problems even though they are in the matrix. But if you are in the dark matrix, in society, then you have only negative feelings, bitterness, resentment, fear, despondency, evaluation of other people, laws, that you are worthless, that I am worthless, everything is worthless, and all this disbelief is because you are in the sinful society of this “agent smith”. That’s how everybody gets there, the ones who often have this ‘want-want-want’ or the ones who do the sinful deeds.

These are all the transitions to these worlds. It turns out that I was “cosmic” until about 2011, when I was outside the matrix. Even outside the matrix, I was not even in the Light matrix. And so I saw all the worlds, the whole matrix from the outside. Nothing was given to me in the matrix that was in the system in this matrix. Because I was behind the glass and that’s why I saw everything, felt everything and miracles happened. But it was like I was outside the system. I kept trying to get in. I connected there, but the connection was so weak that everyone still felt that I was different, as if I was looking at everything from the outside. I remember that very well. And I remember how I used to write that people were like guides for me. I couldn’t even, for example, if I wanted to make a production of baseball caps, it wouldn’t come out of this “corridor” I’m in, out of this “Zion”. I’d have to find a person who was, let’s say, number 10 in the world and explain everything to him. Then he would make baseball caps in this world number 10, and then this object would get density. And people from world number 10 would see it and buy it. And I couldn’t do that. I was always a “zero”. And so people didn’t understand who I was, they couldn’t see me, they couldn’t understand me. Everybody always wanted to define me. But people were from their own worlds and they could not define me, whether I was a representative of the Light matrix or the Dark matrix. And a representative of which frequency? People do not understand at all who is behind me, what I am, who I am. And here I am, entering this matrix and building this personality “Alexandr Korol” as a writer of books. It turned out that I was also making books in different tonalities, on people’s vibrations, so that people could see them. And that’s what I did when I presented my book “Corridor”. I said to my readers, “I won. I did it.” And what did I do? It was as if I couldn’t get my book to be read by people in the matrix. I couldn’t do it because I’m not from the matrix. And I made it in