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Alexandr Korol
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Page 441

Post by Alexandr Korol »

multiverses that – I guess you could call them that, they’re you in different eras. It’s not even you, it’s even... I mean, it’s something completely different. It is already there in the future, in the distant future. In the distant future you might be able to cross paths with someone somewhere. But even then it will probably just be... Again, I’m doing the calculations. It should be that in this era we are mortal, in the new era we are immortal – let’s say in a second or third era. And if you are immortal, and time flows, and you can travel in time, then that means you are the same in different times. And it would still be most like not a multiverse, but more like travelling in time. And exactly travelling through the multiverse, that there are parallel realities with your own person now and physically – no, there is no such thing. It is only in the way I am describing it to you. And why do films show it all more vividly, but how else can they show it? It’s just that films can only show it in a way that conveys these feelings that are in your head.

Question: Changes in the Sun cause changes in the planets around it. Changes in a person change the material world around him. Question: Changes in a planet also change the Sun, but to a lesser extent, for example, by one-seventh? Yes. So if you change seven planets out of seven, the whole Sun will change. Or are the core and the elements around it in a different relationship?

It’s complicated, but I see what you mean. But it’s complicated. You see, I can sort of explain it, but I’m not just... I mean, if I were an egoist, of course I wouldn’t be what I am. So if I were an egoist, I would be muttering under my nose everything as I see it and understand it and just say it. And you must understand. I also put everything into the simplest language so that you can understand it. And it’s very difficult. You have no idea how difficult it is. I would say it in another way, in an- other language, so that you could understand it. It is very difficult for me to say these things; the deeper we go, the harder it is to talk. I had to look for examples and films to choose some words from. Because I see it as some formulas. Now, when we talk about these planets, we should not get confused about the physical cover and the structure as simply an arrangement of points and objects.
And so at some moments you have to look at it as if you had just taken away the cover and left just the points. And look at that matrix. And then you put the cover back on so you don’t get confused. And it turns out that maybe this Sun is