Page 445

Alexandr Korol
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Page 445

Post by Alexandr Korol »

That is how it reaches us. So it turns out that maybe I have already influenced your great-grandparents who used various spells and folk medicine with my books, or maybe with my books that have not even been published yet. For where did it come from? From the past? Or did they get it in the future? Do you understand? So, influenced. It means that everything we see has already been influenced in some way.

Question: I once read in a book that you can ask the Holy Spirit for something and He will give it to you. I started to test it and to my shock it started to work. I did it in the form of a kind of conversation with God in which I would talk about whatever was bothering me and ask for help with it. Or give me advice, a sign, a message, and so on. At this point I don’t even think about it anymore, I just live with it. It has become part of my life. All the answers come to me through circumstances or people or just in my thoughts or whatever. Is that what it is? Can people use this tool? Or does it all depend on your level of belief? Or is it not for everyone?

Well, no, I know how it works. I mean, I know exactly how it works. And whether you should be confused by it is another question. Let’s say that if a person really bangs his head on icons, licks everything, prays, crosses himself and goes to all the places of power so that something happens, then the probability that some- thing will happen is real and it really works. It’s just that not everyone does it with their heart, most of the time they do it with their mind and their sins and their evil intentions, you know? It is necessary to turn to God, that is, to the system, as if with a naked heart. Well, that is, let’s say that we don’t forget that it is all a programme, but again, we are now ‘playing’ this programme and therefore we call it in such a way that we are praying to God and so on. And realistically a problem can be solved and a lot of things can be attracted. And it really works that way. But how does it work? Does the system hear you? Or does it hear nothing at all? And what happens then?
And the way it works is that one is actually connected to the other. Well, I can probably take you there, because you asked a question like that. But I thought that only when I was already in the Spirit would I try to decipher it somehow. It was difficult for me to explain it and put it into words when I was in Los Angeles. I had several conversations with Mystic-Old-Man and discussed the events that